Barefoot Handmaiden
Hello and welcome to my blog!
My name is Kathy and I am a Christian Herbalist living in the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky.
Why Barefoot Handmaiden?
Well, being raised on the edge of an Appalachian hillside, I come by "Barefoot" honestly. I think we Scots-Irish are born with something in our genes that cause us to strive for freedom, and our toes are no exception! Contrary to stereotypes, we hillbillies do wear shoes when we have to, but that doesn't mean we like it. Growing up in the mountains, my cousins and I could hardly wait until May 1st when our moms would allow us to go barefoot!
So you would think there would be zero problem taking off my shoes when commanded by God Himself, wouldn't you?
We were having a wonderfully powerful church service that evening, one of the best I can remember, and I distinctly heard the voice of the Father say to me, "Take off your shoes... you're standing on Holy Ground..."
Immediately my mind went to worrying about what people would think rather than obeying the God of the Universe. I have often wondered what wonders would have come out of that night had I just obeyed the word of the Lord.
Unfortunately, I didn't obey the Lord that night and I have regretted it ever since. I have prayed and prayed for Him to tell me again but He never has.
In fact, most of the time you'll even see me standing barefoot during the church praise service, just in case.
So Barefoot is a way for me to always remember to be humble and obedient before God.
"Handmaiden" is essentially the same... a reminder to always be a humble, obedient servant to the Most High... like sweet Mary, the mother of Jesus, who even as a teenager responded to the voice of God by saying, "Be it unto me according to Thy word..."
That's the kind of person I want to be. If you read my blog, you'll see I have a long way to go but may I never stop trying.
One day I'll again stand on Holy Ground, and this time I'll be ready...
***This blog is intended for encouragement and educational purposes only. It is not an attempt to diagnose or treat any condition or disease. As always, please check with your physician before trying any new medication, herbal or otherwise, or treating any disease process.***
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