Props to Barberry Root Tincture

Barberry Root after outer bark is removed.

A few days ago, both hubby and I woke up with stomach bloating, pain, and burning, along with severe flank (kidney) pain. Both of us were in quite a bit of pain. Nobody else in the family seems to be affected.

I am torn between two possible causes of the illness.  We either caught a bug while we were out looking at land last week, or we possibly let a bottle of spring water go bad.

I am leaning toward the latter, being as it seems to have affected both our GI tracts and our urinary tracts, where contaminated water would have to pass to be eliminated from the body.

We collected spring water a couple of weeks ago and since then it has sat outside on the porch, quite possibly incubating any bacteria that might be present in the water.

Yes, spring water can contain bacteria, and the spring where we collected this water is known to contain small amounts of bacteria. Most of the time this isn't a problem. In fact, I believe it helps your body to stay strong and develop antibodies against bacteria; however, when the water is allowed to "incubate" for several days at an optimum temperature for bacteria growth, then it can be harder for your body to fight illness from the bacteria. So mea culpa. It is my fault. I should have known better.


You just have to be vigilant that your natural water is fresh and kept in a cool environment if possible.

Anyway, I digress....

So we have this illness and it's very uncomfortable, and we're unsure of its origin.

Barberry Root Tincture
Thank God for His wonderful gift of Barberry... whose root is both antibiotic and antiviral, meaning it is effective against both bacterial infections and viral infections.

It tastes horrible! (Note to self: learn ways to make homemade tinctures more palatable) But within a day, both of us were noticeably better, within the second day we were both almost normal, and by the third day there was no sign of the illness whatsoever!

We stopped taking barberry after the second day because... #1, It tastes soooo bad, and #2, it is not needed once symptoms disappear since there is no chance of a superimposed infection with God's Pharmacy. (In other words, unlike man-made antibiotics, bacteria have a much harder time mutating to become immune to herbal antibiotics since herbal antibiotics are so much more complex and have been fighting bacteria since the beginning of time.)

Barberry is excellent against viral and bacterial infections of the GI tract and the urinary tract where it passes directly through the body. It is less effective against systemic infections since it doesn't easily cross the GI tract to get into the bloodstream, but for lots of everyday applications it can't be beat. The key is to get the barberry to the site where it is needed, whether it be putting it in a douche for vaginal infections, in a wash for eye infections, or in drops for ear infections.

Some people point to the berberine in barberry as being the "active ingredient." (It is the yellow stuff also found in Goldenseal and Oregon Grape Root); however, I tend to believe God places other little gifts in His herbals that shouldn't be picked apart but instead be embraced as a whole herb.

At any rate, I thank the good Lord above for His wonderful pharmacy that is available to any and all who will simply go dig it up.

***This blog is intended for encouragement and educational purposes only. It is not an attempt to diagnose or treat any condition or disease. As always, please check with your physician before trying any new medication, herbal or otherwise, or treating any disease process.***


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